Operating Instructions for SM-340H RFID Locker Lock
IDD: +1-604-731-0898
flashing scan an RFID card and that programmed card is now a master card. During
the red and green light flashing period up to 5 cards can be scanned as master cards.
Delete Some Master Cards:
Scan the owner card near the inductive area, the
music sounds and the red and green lights will flash for 6 seconds. Scan the master
card during that period, and after the music and red and green lights stop flashing,
the master card is deleted.
Delete All Master Cards:
Scan the owner card 3 times near the inductive area,
the music sounds and the red and green lights will flash. On the third scan a different
type of music sounds and the lights stop blinking. All master cards are now deleted
and all user cards are deleted.
Master Card Unlocking and Delete User Cards:
Scan the master card near the
inductive area, the music sounds and the red and green lights will flash for 6 seconds.
A beep will sound and the green light comes on, the lock is now unlocked and the
users cards are deleted.
3. User Cards (1 or 5 pcs per lock depending on chosen switch setting)
A user card (normally an RFID wristband or fob) is only used for locking or unlocking the
lock. Your choice of setting the locks to 1 user or 5 users depends on how you will use the
lockers in your facility. For example, is a locker randomly assigned to an individual who
visits your gym? Or does a family that has a membership get up to 5 pc of user cards?
Program User Card:
Scan the master card near the inductive area, the music sounds
and the red and green lights flash. During blinking, scan the card again and the music
sounds and the green light flashes, now scan a RFID card, the music sounds and the
programmed card is now a user card. During the green light flashing period up to 5
cards can be programmed if the function is set to 5 pcs card mode.
Delete Some User Cards:
Scan the master card near the inductive area, the music
sounds and the red and green lights will flash. During the blinking scan the master
card again, the music sounds and the green light will flash, scan the user card and a
different type of music sounds. The user card is now deleted.
Delete All User Cards:
Scan the master card near the inductive area one. The music
sounds and the red and green lights will blink for 6 seconds. The lock is now unlocked
and the user cards are deleted.
User Card Unlocking:
Scan the user card, the music sounds and green light comes
on, the lock is unlocked.
User Card Auto-locking:
Scan the user card near the inductive area, the music
sounds and the green light comes on. The lock is now unlocked. 5 seconds later the
music sounds and the red light blinks and the lock is automatically locked.
User Card Manual-locking:
In unlocked status, scan the user card near the
inductive area, the music will sound and the red light blinks and the lock is locked.