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Release Notes for the LattisTalk Model 3394 Router/Repeater Software Version 1.06




Occasionally, when confirming a static client’s address, the Model 3394 
Router/Repeater would incorrectly release (leak) MacIP packets that 
should have been processed and released normally. With version 1.05, 
the router/repeater properly receives, processes, and releases MacIP 
packets during the confirmation of static clients.

Other Fixes


With version 1.04, the Model 3394 Router/Repeater failed to reply to 
a directed RTS packet as specified in the LocalTalk InterFrame Gaps 
Specification. This failure prevented the unit from interoperating with 
Farallon’s LocalTalk PC cards. With version 1.05, the router/repeater 
can now communicate with PCs that have Frailness LocalTalk/PC cards 


While performing the deepest level of SNMP MIB traversals, the 
Model 3394 Router/Repeater occasionally hangs if the task stack size 
exceeds the unit’s allocated maximum stack size. When the router/repeater 
hangs, it can subsequently crash. Version 1.05 allows the unit to operate 
correctly during the deepest levels of SNMP MIB traversals.


With version 1.04, the Model 3394 Router/Repeater occasionally 
generates erroneous messages in the system event log after a reset. 
Version 1.05 corrects this problem.

Known Problems in Version 1.05 Operating Image


The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) packet buffer of the Model 3394 
Router/Repeater may overflow when the router is configured to run 
IPTalk. An error message “IPTalk: No UDP buffer available” shows 
in the system event log.
