Read Unit ID
Model number, Firmware version and serial number.
Eg. SY021,V5.60i, 1234cr
Clear Log
If Logger is fitted; ‘Y’ if successful, ‘N’ if unread data
if no logger fitted; ‘?’
Dump logger
If logger fitted; Transfer logger data in CSV spreadsheet
format. If no logger fitted ‘?’
Logger memory
Reports size of data logger memory
eg. 064 indicates 64k logger
000 indicates no logger
Define Header
Allows a header of up to 50 characters to be programmed.
After *H type the heading, ending with cr. Batch tickets
and data downloads will contain the header at the top.
Serial number
Reports the instrument serial number, eg. 1234cr
Calibrate clock
The built in clock can be speeded up or slowed down to
improve accuracy. The range of values is +/- 31. Each
positive step increases the clock speed by 4.068ppm,
each negative step reduces it by 2.034ppm.
TCF will put
the clock into frequency test mode and report the current
calibration value. To enter a new value send
TC+nn or
TC-nn where nn is a 2 digit number in the range +/-31
Read time
Reports the current time & date in the form:
YY MM DD hh:mm:ss(cr)
Set time
Set the clock to a new time and date. Enter in the form:
8.0 Instrument calibration and configuration
NOTE: Any changes made in this section only take effect after turning off then back on.
For automatic calibration using mV/V and full scale values, the instrument uses a set of calibration
values stored in its non-volatile memory. There are 2 values, 1 for each input. Each value is a 3
digit number which is nominally 500 and which can be adjusted up or down, each step equating to
a 0.01% change. To access these values press CAL but then instead of entering the PIN, press
CAL, 2, ENT, 1.
The display will then show
Calibration Mode
Ch1 Trim Val ---
Pressing ENT will display the current value. Pressing ENT again will allow a new value to be
entered or pressing CAL will move on the next value.