3.9 Custom units
The display will show ‘
Custom units ??
’ Where ?? Can be any pair of characters. To change
the first character, press ENT. Use the up arrow (2) or down arrow (8) to scroll the available
symbols. If either of the keys is held in the symbols will continuously scroll.
When the first character is correct, press the right arrow (6) and repeat the process for the second
Press ENT when finished.
4.0 Changing the PIN number
The 2nd line of the display will then show:
New PIN?
To change the PIN press ENT and enter the new value. Otherwise press CAL to return to the
channel display screen.
5.0 Accessing data
The data can be downloaded via USB port. PC Software is supplied with the instrument to access
data, or any simple terminal software, such as Hyperlink, can be used. Set the filename to have the
extension .csv to indicate to the spreadsheet that the data is in comma separated variable format.
Type *D to download the data. The logger memory can then be cleared by typing *C. After about
10sec the unit will respond with Y.
6.0 Power supply
The unit is powered by 4 AA batteries. Since the input voltage range in this version is now 3 -7V
DC, 1.5 volt alkaline
or 1.2V rechargeable types are suitable. If rechargeable batteries are used they should be charged
using a suitable
external charger.
If fitted with DC 2.1mm socket an external 5V dc supply can be used. It should be fitted with a
2.1mm DC plug with negative to the outer. Rating should be 200mA higher.
Plugging the DC power supply in disconnects the battery supply it does not charge in
7.0 RS232 or USB Interface commands.
When the USB interface is fitted the following commands are available. All start with
and the
letters can be upper or lower case.