Q u i c k R e f e r e n c e
This guide describes how to set up and use the single slot serial/
charging cradle with Symbol PPT 2700 and PPT 2800 terminals.
The cradle:
provides power for operating the terminal
provides serial port data communication between a terminal
and a host PC or other external device (
, a printer)
synchronizes information between your terminal and a host
PC running Windows
synchronizes information between your terminal and a host
PC or corporate database (requires custom software)
re-charges the terminal’s battery and a spare battery
The cradle requires a 9VDC power supply, and provides 9VDC
power to an inserted terminal.
About This Guide
Specific topics in this guide include:
Connecting to a Host PC or a Serial Device
Synchronizing Data With a Host PC
Service Information
on backcover
For detailed information on any PPT 2700 or PPT 2800 terminal,
refer to the
Quick Reference Guide
Product Reference Guide
for that terminal.