Mobile Device Package Editor Reference
Creating Installations for Mobile Devices
3. To add a new key or value, click New Key.
The Registry Details dialog box appears:
4. Complete the dialog box:
Select the parent key under which the new key will reside.
Enter the name of the key to create or update. Create an entire key path by
separating key names with backslashes. (Example: Entering
NewDocument\Protocol\StdFileEditing creates the StdFileEditing key inside the
Protocol key, which is created inside the NewDocument key.) Any keys in the
path that do not exist are created.
Value Name
Enter the name of a new named value.
Data Value
The data you enter should be valid data for the Data Type you select below.
Press Ctrl+Enter to insert a carriage return.
Data Type
Select the type of data contained in the named value. Available types are:
(REG_SZ prefix.) An expandable string.
Multiple Strings
(REG_MULTI_SZ prefix.) Identifies a value entry as a multiple string. These
are multiple pieces of text, separated by carriage returns.
(REG_BINARY prefix.) A series of bytes in hexadecimal notation. Separate
the bytes with commas. Do not use the “0x” hexadecimal prefix.
Double Word
(REG_DWORD prefix.) Identifies a value entry as a 4-byte (DWORD) entry.
This must be a valid DWORD value.
Don’t Overwrite if Key Already Exists
Mark this to prevent this registry setting from overwriting the key value if it
already exists on the mobile device. Clear this to have this registry value
overwrite the existing key value.
5. Click OK.
After you add a registry entry, you can edit it by selecting the key name in the left list
box and double-clicking the value in the right list box.
Defining Shortcuts
The Shortcuts page lets you add, edit, and delete shortcuts for files in the installation.
The shortcuts appear on the mobile device.
To define shortcuts
1. In Mobile Device Package Editor, select Installation Expert > Shortcuts page.