Wise Installation Studio/Express Getting Started Guide
Tutorial: Creating a Windows Installer Installation in Visual Studio Integrated Editor
The files in the Content Files directory appear in the upper-right list box.
5. Make sure the QuickFacts [INSTALLDIR]\QuickFacts directory is still selected in the
lower-left list box. In the upper-right list box, select License.txt and ReadMe.txt and
click Add File.
The two files are added to the QuickFacts [INSTALLDIR]\QuickFacts directory in the
6. In the upper-left list box, expand the Content Files directory and select the Help
7. Make sure the QuickFacts [INSTALLDIR]\QuickFacts directory is still selected in the
lower-left list box, and click Add Contents.
8. On the Add Contents dialog box, leave the defaults and click OK.
The Help directory and its contents are added to the installation.
9. Save the installation.
10. If the Copy Source Files dialog box appears, click Cancel. This is related to Source
Code Control, which is not used in this tutorial.
In the Current Feature drop-down list, the number (11) should appear next to the
Core feature name. This indicates that the Core feature contains 11 files.
This completes the file additions for the Core feature. Now add files to each of the
remaining features.
To add files to the remaining features
1. Add files to the Birds feature:
a. From the Current Feature drop-down list, select Birds.
b. In the lower-left list box, click the QuickFacts [INSTALLDIR]\QuickFacts
directory and click New. Name the new directory FactFiles and click OK.
In the upper-left list box, click the FactFiles subdirectory of the
Tutorial\QuickFacts directory.
d. In the upper-right list box, select the files:
e. Click Add File to add the files to the lower-right list box.
2. From the Current Feature drop-down list, select Cats. Then add the following files to
the FactFiles directory for this feature:
Because you selected View directories for all features on Files page in Wise
Options, you can still see the FactFiles directory in the lower-left list box, even
though you added it to a different feature.
3. From the Current Feature drop-down list, select Dogs. Then add the following files
to the FactFiles directory for this feature: