Power Indicator does not light up
- Not connected to mains
- The fuse has blown
- Defective power cable
- Control box defective
- Connect to mains
- Send Control Box to repair
- Replace Power Cable
- Send Control Box to repair
Power indicator lights up, but actuator
does not run
- Actuator plug not pushed into control
box properly
- Control box defective
- Push actuator plug into control box
- Send control box for repair Control
Control box okay apart from one
direction on one channel
- Handset defective
- Control box defective
- Send handset for repair
- Send control box for repair
No motor sound or movement of piston
- The actuator is not connnected to the
control box
- Blown fuse in the control box - Cable
- Cable damaged
- Connect the actuator to the control
- Send actuator for repair
- Send actuator for repair
- Send actuator for repair
Actuator cannot lift full load
- Clutch is worn
- Motor is damaged
- Send actuator for repair
- Send actuator for repair
Motor sound but no movement of pistonrod
- Send actuator for repair
Motor runs but spindle does not move
- Gear wheel or spindle damaged
- Send actuator for repair
Motor runs too slowly or does not give
full force
- Insufficient power supply
- Voltage drop in cable
- Increase power supply
- Thicker cable
Jangan duduk di atas mattress back-raise, ketika sedang dalam
proses digerakkan/tidak dalam posisi rata.
Do not sit on the back-raise sections when adjusting the position
or when not in flat position.
Untuk menghindari / mengurangi resiko terluka karena jatuh,
posisikan tempat tidur dalam posisi terendah pada saat pasien
ditinggalkan/tidak dalam pengawasan.
Left medical bed in its lowest position when the patient is
unattended in order to reduce of injury due to falls
Matikan beberapa fungsi produk yang dimungkinkan bisa
menyebabkan cidera pasien, jika terjadinya pergerakan pada
produk terkait.
Please deactivate any medical bed function, which might cause
injury to the patient, if movement of the medical bed occurs.
Waspada terhadap resiko bahaya yang mungkin ditimbulkan
karena kesalahan penanganan sistem jaringan kabel listrik
seperti: Kabel kusut, terpotong/terkelupas atau kerusakan
mekanikal yang lain. Hindari kabel saling berhimpitan antar
komponen pada produk atau dengan peralatan yang lain.
Carefully on hazards by inappropriate handling of the power
supply cord, e.g. By kinking, shearing or other mechanical
damages. Avoid squeezing cables when routing those from other
equipment or between parts in medical bed.
Disarankan produk hanya diangkat dengan pengangkat khusus,
dikarenakan keterbatasan ruang di bawah produk terkait.
Product shall only be used with certain hoists, because of the
limited space underneath the medical bed.