Lithium batteries should never be deeply discharged, this damages the lithium cells irreparably. All lithium batteries
should (if possible) always be stored at medium charge. If a battery is not needed for a long time, please do not fully
charge it before - this puts the lithium cells in unnecessary „stress“ which in the long term can lead to a shortened life. If
you have the choice when using the battery, we recommend that in principle not fully charge, but always in the middle
voltage range to use. Of course, the battery can be fully charged, for example, to drive long distances - it is only techni-
cally for a lithium battery the best, not to do this to really get the maximum in performance and life out of the battery.
The life of lithium batteries is given in charging cycles. Do not think you „waste“ many charging cycles by recharging
the lithium battery more often, even though it is not completly empty - this is completely wrong! For the specified life in
charging cycles so-called full cycles are meant. This means that if you discharge your battery 50% and then recharge it
fully, this equates to ½ charge cycle. Charge twice a full cycle accordingly.
We recommend recharging a lithium battery with 25% residual charge up to about 75% charge state. Of course, the
battery can be fully charged for long distances - see above.
During the wintering or long storage of vehicles with lithium batteries, it is absolutely necessary to recharge them at least
once a month to about 60%.
For lithium batteries use only chargers approved and recommended by the manufacturer. Charging with too high a char-
ge current to recharge faster can irreparably damage the lithium cells and in the worst case lead to a fire.
Usage and care instructions:
Lithium-ion battery