How do you keep the lithium battery at peak performance?
The electric scooter has an advanced Li-ion battery that is maintenance free. There is no need to condition the battery.
The battery can be charged at any time, there is no need to run the battery down. In fact, it is marginally better if you don‘t run it down,
and charge it frequently. Charge your battery minimum once within 4 weeks especially when stored during winter.
What causes low performance?
A common cause of low or slow performance is simply a low-level battery charge. You will notice slightly diminished performance
when your battery gets below the medium charge level. At that point, it’s time to recharge the battery.
Why am I having difficulty folding my electric scooter?
Avoid using extra force to move the folding mechanism. Crunching or grinding resistance is caused by trapped grit. This grit can
gouge the aluminum parts if you forcefully move the folding mechanism. Thoroughly clean the entire electric scooter and lubricate it
before attempting to fold it again.
Can I leave the electric scooter plugged into the charger?
Yes. You can leave the charger on the electric scooter indefinitely without harming the battery but this shall not be done longer than
one week.
Nothing happens if i want to turn on my scooter
Please check if your battery is connected with the controller properly and check if you inserted the fuse.
Frequently Asked Questions...