We reserve the right to alter specifi cations.
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6. Settings
For basic details on how to use the hand-held terminal,
see the Operation and Maintenance Instructions for the
GOLD Air Handling Unit.
The functions for the reversible heat pump are activated
manually under Functions/HC. This is only possible for
GOLD RX (rotary heat exchanger).
HC is activated by setting Position HC in On. Other possi-
ble settings are shown when HC is activated.
If any of the accessories electric air heater HC or air
recirculation section HC are fi tted, these are activated
by selecting the required accessory from the menu HC
defrosting accessory.
Set the required heating and cooling function, standard or
Set the required values for outdoor temperature limits for
heating and cooling.
Set the required values for airfl ow limits for supply air and
extract air.
Calibration is carried out at the factory. If recalibration is
required, this can be carried out by pressing the calibra-
tion button. Remaining time is shown when calibration is
in progress. Calibration date and lowest/highest air fl ow/
pressure drop are shown when calibration is performed.
Outdoor temperature limits
Air fl ow limits
Regulation sequence
Regulation sequence for heating and cooling can be set,
see the separate Function manual installation.