Swegon reserves the right to alter specifications. 1
GOLD version E/F, Function Guide,
1. General
function is intended for use in controlling
the times, temperatures, etc. as well as reading the alarms
and settings of a Swegon chiller/heat pump via a hand-
held micro terminal and web page in a GOLD air handling
For electrical wiring and functionality at connection with
Nestor, see separate documentation.
1.1 Energy-saving functions
1.1.1 Control of the supply air temperature/supply
flow temperature
By comparing the supply air temperature downstream of
the fan with the supply flow temperature to the coil, the
equipment makes sure that the valve for the coil opens
only if the water has a temperature that conveys energy to
the air.
This means that if there is a heat load and the water tem-
perature is lower than the supply air temperature, which
can occur during defrosting cycles, the valve is not allowed
to open. If there is a cooling load, the reverse applies.
1.1.2 Optimisation function
A cooling unit/heat pump will be more effective if the dif-
ference between the outdoor temperature and the water
temperature is as small as possible. This reduces energy
The supply air energy to a water coil is controlled by a
valve. Optimisation of the valve position so that it always
strives to be fully open, and instead control the water
temperature, saves energy.
1.1.3 AQUA Link
The AQUA Link provides both air handling units and
comfort modules with cooling power. Even here energy
savings are obtainable by allowing the need to control the
water temperature.
Depending on whatever the specific need is (dehumidifi-
cation, cooling of the supply air, cooling of the room via
comfort modules), the temperature of the chilled water
can be varied and the control system ensures that the
chiller will not produce chilled water that is colder than
1.1 Installation
The installation work is fast and simple compared with
that of other systems. It requires only hydraulic and elec-
tric connection between the GOLD unit, chiller/heat pump
and possible AQUA Link.
All the necessary control functions are ready to activate.
One supplier of all the equipment.
The IQlogic
module TBIQ-3-1 is included in the AQUA
Link equipment cubical.
2. Material Specification
Air handling unit
Cable adapter
extra regulation sequence (SMART link)
Chiller/heat pump manufactured by Swegon that uses
glycolic water as cooling or heating media (not evapora-
tive media).
Other equipment to the extent required:
Set of valves, air heater, air cooler, dual-purpose coil,
AQUA Link.