InstructIon booklet
InstructIon booklet
InstructIons for use
Warning. Always unplug the saw from power source before making adjustments or performing routine
maintenance. Failure to heed this warning can result in serious injury.
usInG tHe adjustable statIonary vIse.
The adjustable stationary vise is located on the base of your cut-off saw. This vise can be rotated to attain cutting angles
from 0 to 45 degrees and moved rearward to allow greater cutting widths.
cuttInG anGle adjustment:
1. Using the supplied wrench, loosen hex head bolts behind the vise fence;
2. Rotate the vise fence until the desired angle of the cut is aligned with the indicator groove in the saw base.
3. Check the angle of the vise fence to the abrasive wheel using a protractor, bevel square or similar device.
4. Using the supplied wrench, securely tighten the hex head bolts holding the vise to the saw base.
to Increase tHe wIdtH of cut of tHe cut-off saw:
1. Using the supplied wrench, remove hex head bolts securing the vise to the cut-off saw base.
2. Reposition the curved slot of the vise base with the most rearward threaded hole in the saw base and install a hex
head bolt in this hole. DO NOT TIGHTEN.
3. Align the remaining vise bolt hole with the middle-threaded hole in the saw base and install a hex head bolt.
4. Check or adjust the cutting angle and securely tighten both hex head bolts with the supplied wrench.
QuIck lock/release vIse
This cut-off saw is equipped with a quick lock/release vise system as standard. With this feature, you are able to open
and close the vise quickly without repetitive turning of the vise crank handle.
usInG tHe QuIck lock-release vIse
to loosen:
1. Slightly release tension on the vise by rotating the crank handle counterclockwise.
2. Lift up the quick lock/release lever and pull back on crank handle to slide open the vise.
to tIGHten:
1. Push the crank handle forward to slide the vise against the work place.
2. Push down on the quick lock/release lever to engage its threads with vise screw.
3. Rotate the crank handle clockwise to tighten the vise against the work place.