Mounting your Camera
The camera can be mounted onto a flat vertical or horizontal surface and
must be of sufficient strength to hold the camera. To mount the camera -
Using a Phillips head screwdriver, remove the screw
from the
mounting clip. Press down on the mounting clip and carefully remove
the dome cover lifting from the front edge first.
You’re now free to remove the camera to gain access to the mounting
. There are four mounting holes available.
Position the camera in the location you want to mount to then mark
the mounting holes on the surface to position the screws. Using the
appropriate screws for the surface you are mounting to, screw the
camera into place. Place the camera back onto the mounting bracket.
To reinstall the dome cover, there are two dome clips located on the
mounting base. Place the dome cover into the dome clips first then
press down on the cover until it locks into place. Place the screw back
onto the mounting clip and tighten.
The dome cover can be rotated left or right and the camera can be
aimed in almost any direction from wherever you choose to mount it.
Dome Clips