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Summary of Contents for 400

Page 1: ...U L a L L f a 4 iD i l 7 8 s N B1S Lfo s r yt tesoe s r K1 3 76 0 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE S AN M O D E L 4 0 Osrrr E L E C T R O N I C S Oceanside Cailornia ...

Page 2: ...ltage legulated and ternperature cornpensated PuBh to talk opeiation is po6sible in aU installa tiolrs and operation with a tv o contact microphone is possible by use of the FuDction Switch or the VOX acces sory The basic tlansceive iB deBigncdfor use with either the Model 410 Frequency Control Unit which provides full covei age of all portions o the amateur bandd or with the Model 4068 Frequency ...

Page 3: ...y Control Unit Connecto Antenna S Meter Zero SPDT Relay Terrninal FREOUENCY CONTROL UNIT CONTROLS Bardswitch Main Tuning RF Gain 2 VACUUM TUBE COMPLEMENT Vl 6EW6 VFO Amplifier YZ IZBE6 Transrnitter Mixer vJ ou t o urrver V4 6HF5 Power Amplilier v bill rowe r Arnprlri er V6 IZBZ6 Receiver RF Amplifier Y IZBE6 Receiver Mixer V8 6EW6 First IF Amplifier V9 l28 q 6 Second IF AmPlifier Vl0 IzAX7 Product...

Page 4: ...ately 25 per cent of the full tlanahitted power to b used to tras6lnit intelligence There are other attendant drawbacks also The bandwidth of the transmitted 6igna1is on the order of 6 kc while the actual dehodulated audio is 1e66than 3 kc The lesult i very limited use of the band and over half of the allotted frequency range iB unuaable becauge oI heterodyne6 ioterference and congestion In the si...


Page 6: ...the output ot the transforn rer The defl c tion plate reference voltages are adjusted bv means of the ca rier balance control 60 that with no audio the RF being Ied to the output plates will cancel out and the output lror j Zl40l will be zero Audio from Microphone Amplifier Vl6 is superilnposed on one deflection Plate thereby unbalancinS lhe modulator and the two sideba ds resulting froh the 3uln ...

Page 7: ...d for receiv D40l 402 etc to control the gain of ing Rclay K2 when de energized allows the stage in response to the average in signals frorn the transrnitting tank circuit put power to the power amplifiers This and antenna to be ted to the Receiver RF ALC system will cornpensat or any Amplifier V6 where thcy are amplilied extremely strong input signaLs but does and then ed to the control giid oI t...

Page 8: ...upplies The peak envelope power when voice modu lated i5 considerably more tyPically 500 ratts or rnore Recommended power supPlies produce a no load plate voltage ol approximately 925 volts Under TUNE conditions or CW operation this voltage rnay drop to as Iow as 20 volts Under steady state two tone modulation the voltage will drop to apploxirnately 750 volt3 If Power Amplifier idling current is 5...

Page 9: ...ion AII swrt hrn8 is performed in the transceiver For mobile installations the Model l4 I1 supply provides switching ar rangements and speaker output rnay be fed through the car broadcast receiver 6peaker POWER SUPPLY The Swan Models II XB or ll XC power Eupplies provide aU neces6ary voltages required by the transceiver The supplies corne equipped with a pre wired plug and cable all eady for plu8g...

Page 10: ...tanding wave atio on 50 or 5 ohm rransmiss on line below aPproxi matety 4 I at the proposed oPerating fre quency or a system tha results in a transmission line iiput impedance that is essentially resistive and between l5 and 500 ohlns will take power from the transceiver with little ditficulty If tuned open wire trallslnission line is used to excite the antenna a suitable antenna tuner should be u...

Page 11: the act that it is sometimes Possible to reduce the SWR readin8 bY detuning the antenna Field strength may actually be reduced in an effort to bring SWR down Since tield strength is the Prirnary Soal we recornmend a FieId Strength Meter Ior antenna tuning I or antenna aajustments the Swan 400 rnay be loaded lightlY to about lO0 na cathode current in6tead of the us ral 500 rna This wiU limit tub...

Page 12: ...te Inix and driver Controls C4l in pi network to tune linal power arnpli tier plate to resonance Controls C420 in pi network to match impedance of out put load TuneE input to Receiver RF Arnplifi r Switches in progres sively more capacitance in Paral lel with PA Load Fine Switche 6 plate coi1s and associated caPacitors of VFO Amplifier VI Tran8 mitter Mixer V2 and Dri ver V3 Also switches tank coi...

Page 13: ...ntrol Unit to the 9 pin connector near the center of the rear chassis apron 2 Connect a 50 to 75 ohln antenna to the coaxial connector on the rear chassis pane1 3 Connect the power supply cable to the Jones connector on the rear chas sis apron t 2 4 Connect the power supply to the proper voltaSe solrlce RECEIVE OPERATION L Rotate the AF Gain Control clock wise to about the 3 orclock poBition The p...

Page 14: ...rnistuning I If you tune so the received voice 1s higher than normal pitch you will then transmit ofI frequency and your Yirce will sound lower than nor t pitch to the other station He wlll probably retune hi8 dial to mak rrr sound right If fou keep this up you Il gladoally waltz one another across the band If both of you are rnistuning to an unnatural higher pitch your11 waltz across the band twi...

Page 15: ... vitch to TRANSMIT read the cathode current on the front Pane1 meter l 4 Ouickly rotate the CAR BAL con trol on the lront Panel until the mete reads rninimurn cathode Next adjust the PA Bias control on the rear ol the chassis until the mete reads 50 na 3 4 If thi is the first time the trans ceiver is being tuned on this band set the PA LOAD switch to Position l Afte experience ir tuning uP the con...

Page 16: ...side of resonance it will be easy to load up to 500 or even more But if the tubes dra r ju6t 500 ma off resonance you can only load to 400 or 450 rna This is not necessarily a sign that you have a problem Peak input power with voice modulation will still be 400 watts when you load lo 400 ma in TUNE position A new pair of PA tubes may allow yor 1 to Load higher o possibly a new drivet tube will hel...

Page 17: ...rnaxirnum linearity You witl probably find that cathode current readings end uP somewhat less than 500 ma on l0 meters becau6e grid drive is the least on this band On 80 rneters where grid drive i6 the greatest rnaxinurn out put will be reached at rnore than 500 rna These are a normal condi tion 1 6 NOTE The cathode cur ent level to which the PA is loaded will have no bealing on tube life When tra...

Page 18: ...t and C3l6 Bet to approxirnately 3 4 turn lrom futl cornpres 6ion 2 Peak lF transformers for maxi rnurn background noise with AF and RF gain Iull clockwi8e eithe bottom or top core adjustrnent 3 Loosely couple field strength rn ter to C3l off pin 9 of V4 with alligator clip on cerahlc capacitor body T R O U B L E S H O O T I N G 4 Transmit bias potentiometer full counter clockwise maximurn bias VF...


Page 20: ...ed 5I 5kc signaf to antenna connector and adj rst L60Z until heterodyne di aPPea 8 o S meter reads zero ADJUSTMENT OT CARR ER FREOUENCY A With dummy load and outPut meter attached tun transceiver for lnaxi rnurn otrtput B Null out carrier with PTT Pressed and set reBting Plate current to 50 ma wlth bias Pot C Connect AF generator to MIC JACK adjust MIC GAIN full CCW Proced 1 e With AF generator at...

Page 21: ... to 15 0 mc WWV desired smooth dip Fo 1Ometers adjust C1304 fo zero beat with WWV use above procedure but adjust C 3I5 S METER ADJUSTMENT ADJUSTMENT OT L6OI With antenna disconnected and with RF With transceiver tuned to 28 8 mc and gain fully clockwise set R606 located RF and AF gain at maximum adjust on rear Panel to read zero Make suie L60l for lnaxirnurn backgro nd noise no local signals are b...

Page 22: ...o I KV Di6c 0 1 8 0 2 0 5 0 0 v D i a c 0 1 8 0 2 O T o 5 0 0 V D i 6 c 01 80 20 5o0v Disc ot a0 20 500v Disc I pf l0 Ceramic 0 1 8 0 2 0 5 0 0 VD i s c Zz0 Z0 I KV Disc z l E c r 0 l c t 0 2 c l 0 3 c I 0 4 c l 0 5 c l 0 6 c z 0 l cz02 czo3 cz04 c205 c z 0 6 c207 cz08 cz09 czto czrl c z t 3 c303 c304 c305 c306 c307 c308 c309 c 3 I 0 c 3 I t C 3T 2 c 3 1 3 c 3 t 4 c 3 r 5 c 3 t 7 c40z c403 c404 c4...

Page 23: ... 8 0 2 0 5 0 0 vD i s c c r 6 0 t 0 r 8 0 2 0 5 0 0 vD i e c c 1 6 0 2 o r 8 0 2 0 5 0 0 vD i s c c r 6 0 3 2 2 0 2 0 I K V D i s c C 1 5 0 4 1 0 0 2 0 I K V D i s c C 1 6 0 5 0 r 8 0 2 0 5 0 0 vD i s c Cf A B 85 pf per section RESlSTORS R l 0 I 5 o h m s 1 t uz 50 offns Rl03 47K I watt Rl04 LzK _ Z xatt R20r z1K R 2 0 3 l 8 K 2 w a t t R204 4 K I v att R Z 0 5 6 8 K R 2 0 6 4 7 K R 2 0 4 K R 3 0 ...

Page 24: ...S 4 Phone Cw Selector 5 5 bUnctron Swrrcn S 6 SidebandSetector S 1201 Power On Olf Gangedwith Rl20l A F Gain Pot DIODES D40l TS 2 ALC Diode D4o2 TS 2 ALC Diode D60l TS 2 S Meter Diode Dl70l rN 2974R8 Z ener 2 3 R l r 0 6 R l z 0 l R 1 2 0 2 R 1 2 0 3 R l 3 0 l R I 3 0 2 R l 4 0 l R I 4 0 2 R 1 4 0 3 R 1404 R 1 4 0 5 R 1 4 0 6 R 1 4 0 7 R r 4 0 8 R 1 4 0 9 R l 4 1 0 R I 5 0 I R I 5 0 2 R t 5 0 3 R ...

Page 25: ...S e r i sR e s Y l 3 0 l 1 0 0K C C a l i b O 6 c Y I 5 0 1 5 l 6 8 K C C a r O s c Y 1 5 0 2 5 1 7 2 8K C C a r O s c TUBES VI 5EW6 VFO AmPlifier YZ l2BE6 Trans Mixer V3 5GK6 P A Drive r V8 6EW6 lst I F ArnP V9 128A6 2nd I F AlnP VIO l 1 x Prod Det Rec A F VII 6BN8 AGC Amp Rect Vlz 6GK6 A F Outpot Arnp Vl3 t28A6 Crystal Calibrator Vl4 7360 Bal Mod Vl5 fZBA6 C arrie r Oscillator VI6 IZAXT Mic Arnp...

Page 26: lJg J6 FREQUENCY CONTROLUNIT VFO AMPLINER 6 EW6 Dr601 Tr t RECEIVER MIXER I 2 B E 6 vl3 rOOKC CALIBMrcR 128A5 c l Y l a r t l BAU C E t zt40l l o K Rzl z7 q r r r t l To R405 Rl 05 t50 row Rr301 27K 273 E00 rZ 6V a A r I t I I L B Rl 06 6K r0w R703 lK r50 Vl VOLTAGE REGUUTOR 3 olz 6 V r z e tov 5 ...

Page 27: ...K I POSER U P 6flF5 v t o A l l PRoDUcr DETEcToR Rf cEtrl t z tt xl l 2 i c 1 0 0 4 0 0 2 7 5 275 J t 14 I T 907 2 2t4 r 1 3 l r f J _ 1 IETE l I a vr e 1 I PARALLEL WITH K I v8 FIRSTI F AV P t l A l CRYSTAL FILTEi 6l 13 5 r t l XC rf r r r t J r l D t t 1 1 BAHNCED MODULATOF 36 0 l o Yr50r 5l 6 arc 275 STANDBY REC TMNS TUNE Yr 2 s4 PHON cw Rr 0 I ...

Page 28: ...N OIII S AND UNLESSNOTEDARE I 2 WATT R4l4 4 7K l 0 V 1 2 6 l 2 V R403 100 R40 100 h o vL2 A F OUTPUT 6GK6 vr0B iECEIVER AUDIO t 2 t2AX7 cr006 002 r x s1 0 E E E I j l ll c 2or or c t o F rt I to4 t TO v2 PIN6 I cl6o2 ol vl6B E A H g l Erl E Osrzn E L E C T R O N I C S C O R P Occrnildc Crllto nl SCHEMATICDIAGRAM SWANMODEL 4OO SINGLESDEBAND TNANSCEIVER ...
