Swagtron T881 Hoverboard
When riding the T881, you must make sure both feet are
touching the pedals for proper detection. Do not put other
objects on the pedals as this could cause T881 to lock or
move on its own..
Do not tilt forward or backwards beyond 10 degrees,
as the T881 may malfunction.
The T881 will not function if it flips upside down.
Avoid uneven or rocky surfaces as the T881 may not
function properly.
Avoid hills or slopes with inclines over 30 degrees.
When the rider exceeds the maximum speed, the
T881 may sound a warning alarm.
The SWAGTRON® Hoverboard self-balances and moves because of Dynamic Equilibrium. This is generated by the
shifting of your body weight. The T881 uses an internal gyroscope with acceleration sensors to move based on
your center of gravity. When you lean forward, it will sense your actions and accelerate. When you need to turn,
slow down and gently shift the weight on your left or right foot to turn towards the opposite direction.