5. Firmware Upgrade
1.MDVR upgrade firmware there will be the following files:
MDVR upgrade the firmware is need some components that contains the following items :
(1) u8x-1.10-2011-09-21.tar.gz
(2) uxxxxx-1.10-2011-09-21.tar.gz
(3) V1.1.8
Copy and paste firmware files to the root directory of a removable USB drive.
2.Take the removable USB drive which has the three files and connect to the USB port of the MDVR.
Confirm the USB drive connection which is ready for update by checking the monitor display for the
USB icon that will change to green.
IR remote control, press the direction button facing downwards
The monitor display will show an information dialog box inquiring whether you want to upgrade the
Note: Before firmware upgrade had finish, please do not take out the removable USB drive.
System reset