now you can see
When you access any sub-menu there are a few options that may be
available on the bottom of the page.
The options include:
1. Default
2. Apply
3. Exit
For more
information on the
main menu please
see Pg. 15 of the
The main menu can be accessed by pressing the menu button on the
front of the DVR or by selecting it from the function menu.
To access the main menu with the mouse, right click and select main
menu from the function menu. On the DVR front panel and remote,
press the “menu” button.
To select anything from the main menu, left click the mouse, press select
on the remote or press “enter” on the front of the DVR.
For more information on the
function menu please see Pg.
12 of the manual.
1. By right clicking the mouse.
To access items on this menu
with the mouse move the mouse
pointer over the option to
highlight it and left click. To exit,
move the pointer off the menu
and left click.
2. Pressing select on the remote.
To access items on this menu with
the remote, use the arrow keys
to move and when the option is
highlighted, press select. To exit,
press the menu button.
3. Pressing the function button
To access items on this menu
with the front of the DVR use the
navigational key pad on the front
of the DVR to move and when the
option is highlighted, press enter.
To exit, press the menu button.
The Function Menu can be accessed 3
different ways:
Function Menu