Connect up the machine to the coin mechanism via a 4 pin ccTalk connector.
Connect up the coin mechanism to the CN2 connector on the coin sorter with a 10 pole
flat (supplied)
JP2 must be open
JP1 must be positioned all the way to the right
5.2 Parallel Mode
coin mechanism (where xx can be any number)
Connect up the machine to the sorter via CN3 (10 poles on the line)
Connect up the coin mechanism to the CN1 connector on the coin sorter with a 10 pole
flat (supplied)
JP2 must be closed
JP1 must be open
If you have a RM5HD coin mechanism with the code GED002000047, you will be able to choose the
type of coin sorter to use with it simply using a jumper in the central position on the connector,
referred to as PRG, as shown below. The coin mechanism will control a Comestero Cinco 5-way
coin sorter without a jumper. If a jumper is inserted in the centre, as shown, the coin mechanism
will be able to operate another manufacturer’s coin sorter.
RM5HD - GED002000047
Comestero “Cinco”
5-way coin sorter
(without jumper)
Other manufacturer’s coin sorter (with
jumper inserted in
central position)