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Setting the Angle of Approach of the Micropipette
The micropipette holder clamp is capable of rotating around its own axis and the movement
can be locked with the thumbscrew (1) shown here. It is also possible to slide the clamp and
lock it in place with a separate thumbscrew (2). The clamp itself is spring-loaded, allowing a
4 mm diameter micropipette holder (not included) to be advanced or retracted easily without
removing it or risk of it falling out inadvertently.
Figure 3-2. Micropipette alignment controls.
These degrees of freedom allow for angles of attack from zero to greater than 45 degrees,
while at the same time allowing the micropipette holder to be clamped at any point along its
length. This accommodates a large number of different micropipettes, angled or straight, and
accessories such as piezo impact drills. When combined with the three fixing patterns on the
top plate of the mounting adapter, and the sliding action of the mounting adapter, the
XenoWorks™ Micromanipulator is capable of accommodating any application on a large
number of microscope platforms.
The following paragraphs describe factors that affect the setting of the micropipette holder.
Microinjection Chamber
Some types of microinjection chamber, plastic culture dishes for example, will require a steep
angle of approach, so that the micropipette clears the sides of the dish (up to 45 degrees).
Other chambers, depression slides, for example, can accommodate a much shallower angle of
approach (typically around 10–15 degrees for a depression slide).
Applications and Suggested Setups
In general, any application in which suspension cells are to be injected or manipulated
(embryonic stem cell transfer, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, pronuclear zygote injection,
embryo reconstruction) will require two micropipettes (and thus two micromanipulators),
one for holding and one for injecting. In this instance, the micropipette tips must approach
the tissue side-on to prevent the injection micropipette from pushing the tissue off the
holding pipette. When using a deep dish and angled micropipettes, a 35–45 degree angle of
attack is appropriate (shown in the figures on the page opposite). If using a depression slide
and straight micropipettes, an almost flat angle is required as shown in the figures below.