Sutron Corporation Satlink Operations & Maintenance Manual, Rev 8.04.2 11/3/2016 pg. 35
- &W - save the settings to non-volatile memory of the modem
Connect to the modem with Hyperterminal (or similar) using a PC. For the best performance,
connect at 115200,N,8,1. The modem remembers the baud rate at the time of the AT&W, so be
sure to communicate at the rate you intend to communicate with the SL3 at. 9600 baud is the
SL3's default rate, but smart modems can go quite a bit faster.
Here's how to configure a modem to be used with the SL3 (assuming it's at factory defaults):
1) enter AT and then press ENTER until the modem responds with 'OK'
2) paste the following command to the modem:
3) press ENTER and the modem should reply 'OK'
4) paste the following command to the modem:
5) press ENTER
After the modem has been dumbed down by these commands it will not even say 'OK' to an AT
command anymore. To see if it's still working you may try a command with a non-simple
response such as AT&V
To configure the SL3 to answer at 115200, connect to your SL3 with LinkComm and use the
Diagnostics, Terminal window. Press ENTER to get the ">" prompt and issue the following:
RS232 Baud Rate=115200
Then reboot the SL3 for the new baud rate to take effect by issuing the Reboot command or
power cycling the unit.
The modem will now automatically answer calls and provide remote communications to SL3.
See “
” for instructions on how to use LinkComm with the external
Connecting External Cell Modems
You can connect an external cell modem to SL3 and use it to communicate with SL3 remotely
using LinkComm or other communication programs. The following details show how to do this
using Sutron’s GPRS-1-O modem that is preconfigured to operate as a client serial bridge to
accept connections and pass data between Satlink and the remote caller. The modem will
connect to the SL3 RS232 port via a male-male null modem cable.
Follow these steps to configure the GPRS-1-O modem to operate in serial bridge mode.
1) Creating/selecting the script. Some readymade scripts are provided based on typical settings
and common APNs. Go ahead and use ATT_script.txt, T-Mobile_script.txt, or Rogers_script.txt if
you are using either of these providers. Otherwise, contact Sutron for help in creating the proper
files for the modem.