Sutron Corporation 8310 & 7310 Users Manual
8800-1125Rev. 2.7 (BETA)
save settings into profile.
In the Setup of the Xpert/Xlite, add a COMS TAG to each data point that is needed, optionally add an ALARM
block in front of the COMS TAG to trigger and send alarm data. Edit COMS TAG/ALARMS with appropriate data.
Next, set up the Xpert/Xlite control panel COMS entry. Select Coms and change COM3 to VOICE.
Once the VOICE is selected for COM3, a plus sign will allow the VOICE3 to be configured.
Set answer mode, number of rings and language.
Set phone number(s), number of redials and the redial delay (for alarms)
For voice mode:
Select/add additional voice files for specfic sensors(Prefix) and units(Suffix).
Edit the dial-out message (for alarms)
Edit the dial-in message
Example dial-in message. Speak prefix, data, suffix and alarm status for three sensors, then to hang up.
SpeakPhrase Hello welcome to the Sutron xpert
Pause 2.0
SpeakTag RAIN
Pause 2.0
Pause 2.0
SpeakTag LEVEL
For data mode:
Nothing else needs configured.