Crewsaver -
Servicing Manual: Crewsaver Crewfit 275 Lifejacket
Date: November 2016
Issue No: 14
of 43
Fig 8.3
Crewsaver Mk5 Operating Head
With the firing capsule fitted, fit the retaining clip. The clip
is fitted by pressing it over the firing arm and in to the
recess either side in the centre of the operating head.
The clip will click into place, thereby preventing the arm
from moving.
Fig. 8.3.3
Fig. 8.3.4
Fit the new firing capsule onto the operating head. Capsules fitted
on the Crewsaver Mk5 head are navy blue in colour. The capsule
should be screwed tight to the end. Make a note of the batch
number and manufacture date on to the service record sheet.
If the lifejacket is fitted with a United Moulders Mk5 head a M5i
firing capsule must be fitted. These are black in colour.
Fig. 8.3.2
Fig. 8.3.1
Check that the cylinder sealing gasket in
the end of the operating head has been
correctly fitted, or replace if necessary. Fit
the 60 gram CO cylinder. Ensure that the
cylinder has been check weighed before
fitting to the lifejacket. Fit the gas cylinder
to the firing mechanism using the torque
wrench (4Nm) and head adaptor from the
tool kit. The cylinder is gripped in one hand
and the head tightened using the torque
wrench held in the other hand.