Surveon CAM2100/CAM2101
White Balance - This setting allows users to choose the color
balancing method used.
AWB - Automatically chooses white level.
MWB - The user must specify the red and blue gain levels to
achieve the correct white level.
R Gain - The gain applied to the red video channel.
B Gain - The gain applied to the blue video channel.
Day/Night Mode - Sets the day (color) and night (black and white, IR
cut filter off where applicable.) Night mode sacrifices color
information to produce a clear picture with less light.
Auto - The camera will determine when the light levels require
a switch.
Night Threshold - The threshold which the camera will
switch to night mode.
Day Threshold - The threshold which the camera will
switch back to day mode.
Day mode - Forces day mode.
Night mode - Forces night mode.
Schedule for day mode - Allows the user to set a time for
day/night transitions.
From: - The time, in hours and minutes, when the
camera will be in day mode.
To: - The time, in hours and minutes, when the camera
will switch to night mode.
Click OK to save or Cancel to abort the changes before you leave the page.
Surveon Network Camera User Manual