Surveon CAM2100/CAM2101
Video & Audio Settings
Video and audio are the heat of a network camera's functionality. The
settings for video and audio can be found under Settings> Video & Audio.
Under this section, you can access basic video and audio settings, video
appearance parameters, video stream settings, as well as audio parameters.
Basic Settings
Basic settings pertain to simple live-view tweaks. These parameters can be
found under Video & Audio> Basic Settings.
Video Orientation
In certain mounting situations, the default video output may not be oriented
correctly. This setting allows you to change the orientation of the output
Flip - flips the image vertically.
Mirror - flips the image horizontally.
Text Overlay Setting
The text overlay involves is the text displayed in the black bar at the top of
the output screen. You can display multiple text messages at the same time.
(Only the camera name will display if the resolution is 160 x 120).
Include Date - Displays the current date.
Include Time - Displays the current time.
Camera Name - Displays the name of the camera.
Audio Settings
Select the desired button to turn audio from the camera on or off.
Click OK to save or Cancel to abort the changes before you leave the page.
Surveon Network Camera User Manual