Chapter 4: BIOS
IPMI LAN Confi guration
The following features allow the user to confi gure and monitor IPMI LAN settings.
VLAN Tagging
Select Enabled to enable Virtual LAN(s) for IPMI connections and allow the user to
confi gure VLAN settings. The options are Enabled and
If VLAN Tagging above is set to Enabled, this item allows the user to change the
VLAN ID. If VLAN Tagging is disabled, this item will be ignored by the fi rmware.
IP Address Source
This item allows the user to select the IP address source for the connection. The
options are
and Static.
IP Address
This item displays the IP address for the IPMI connection detected.
IP Subnet Mask
This item displays the IP Subnet Mask for the IPMI connection detected.
Default Gateway
This item displays the Default Gateway for the IPMI connection detected.
MAC Address
This item displays the MAC Address for the IPMI connection detected.
Update LAN Settings
Select Yes to allow BIOS update LAN setting. The options are Yes and