Chapter 2: Configuring BMC/IPMI Settings
2.4.3 Configuration - Light-Weight Directory Access Protocol
(LDAP) Settings
This feature allows the user to configure Light-Weight Directory Access Protocol
(LDPA) settings. When you click <LDAP> in the Options window (1), the following
screen will display.
Examples and Explanations of the LDAP settings are shown below:
1. Port: 389-This item indicates the port number of the LDAP server.
2. IP Address: xx.xx.xx.xx- This item indicates the IP address of the LDAP
3. Bind Password: Secret- This item indicates the password of the LDAP server.
4. Bind DN: cn=manager, dc=administrator, dc=com- The bind DN is the user or
the LDAP server that is allowed to do limited search in the LDAP directory.
5. SearchBase: dc=administrator, dc=com-This feature shows the client which
port in the external directory tree to use for doing search.
After entering the information in the fields, click <Save> to save the information
you've just entered.