• DV-41 Operating Manual • 630.851.9444 • [email protected]
Auto Shutdown (AU-0FF)
To conserve battery life, the DV-41 will power off after a period of inactivity (no button-press).
Available settings are: OFF, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, or 90 minutes. Factory default setting is “30” minutes.
When Auto Shutdown is set to “OFF”, the DV-41 will not automatically power off.
To change the selection, use the SCROLL UP or SCROLL DOWN button.
To cancel, press the POWER button.
To select and store the setting shown, press the MODE button. When a setting is stored, you will be returned to
main menu selections. Press POWER to return to normal operation mode.
Note: Even if auto shutdown has been deactivated, a low battery condition will power off the DV-41.
Back Light Persistence (B-LITE)
Back Light Persistence determines the number of seconds that the back light will stay on after the last button
Available settings are: OFF, 10, 15, 30, 45, 60, or 90 seconds. Factory default setting is “10”.
To change the selection, use the SCROLL UP and SCROLL DOWN buttons.
To cancel, press the POWER button.
To select and store the setting shown, press the MODE button. When a setting is stored, you will be returned to
main menu selections. Press POWER to return to normal operation mode.
Note: While in the menu system, the back light will remain on unless it has been disabled by selecting “OFF”.
Version Information (VER ID)
The VER ID menu provides details regarding serial number and product/sensor firmware release versions. The
main CPU Firmware release version (EG: “Fr 1.87”) displays initially. Pressing SCROLL DOWN will display
the serial number (EG: “n12345”), and sensor CPU Firmware release version (EG: “Sr 6.45”). The POWER or
MODE button will return to menu selection.
Cleaning Vacuum Sensor
1. Fill brass sensor fitting with a few drops of isopropyl alcohol.
2. Cover the opening with a finger and gently shake to allow alcohol to rinse the sensor.
3. Pour out alcohol and allow sensor to dry for 20 minutes before using gauge.