Chapter 4: Motherboard Connections
4.4 Jumpers
How Jumpers Work
To modify the operation of the motherboard, jumpers can be used to choose between optional
settings. Jumpers create shorts between two pins to change the function of the connector.
Pin 1 is identified with a square solder pad on the printed circuit board. See the diagram
below for an example of jumping pins 1 and 2. Refer to the motherboard layout page for
jumper locations.
On two-pin jumpers, Closed means the jumper is on the pins and Open means the
jumper is off.
3 2 1
3 2 1
ME Manufacturing Mode and Power Force On
The JPME2 jumper has two functions: Manufacturing Mode and Power Force On. Refer to
the table below for the jumper settings for each function. The asterisk represents the default
Manufacturing Mode/Power Force On
Jumper Settings
Jumper Setting
Pins 1-3
Manufacturing Mode
Pins 3-5
Pins 2-4
Power Force On*
Pins 4-6
PWR Button Power On
SIM Card Detection
JSIM_OPT1 is the SIM card detection jumper. The default setting is Closed: Low Active. Refer
to the table below the set the correct jumper setting for JSIM1, JSIM2, and JSIM3.
SIM Card Detection
Jumper Settings
Jumper Setting
Pins 1-2 (JSIM1)
Open: High Active
Closed: Low Active
Pins 3-4 (JSIM2)
Pins 5-6 (JSIM3)