Chapter 6: BIOS
Key Exchange Keys (KEK)
Select Set New to load the KEK from the manufacturer's defaults. Select Append to add
the KEK from the manufacturer's defaults list to the existing KEK. The default setting is
Set New
Authorized Signatures
Authorized Signature Database (DB) contains authorized signing certificates and digi
tal signatures. Select Set New to load the DB from the manufacturer's defaults. Select
Append to add the database from the manufacturer's defaults to the existing DB. The
default setting is
Set New
Forbidden Signatures
Forbidden Signature Database (DBX
) contains forbidden certificates and digital signa
tures. Select Set New to load the DBX from the manufacturer's defaults. Select Append
to add the DBX from the manufacturer's defaults to the existing DBX. The default setting
Set New
Authorized TimeStamps
Select Set New to load the Authorized Timestamp Database (DBT) from the manufac-
turer's defaults. Select Append to add the DBT from the manufacturer's defaults list to
the existing DBT. The default setting is
Set New
OsRecovery Signatures
Select Set New to load the OsRecovery Signatures Database (DBR) from the manufac-
turer's defaults. Select Append to add the DBR from the manufacturer's defaults list to
the existing DBR. The default setting is
Set New