Chapter 4: AMI BIOS
Remote Access Configuration
You can use this screen to select options for the Remote Access Configu-
ration. Use the up and down <Arrow> keys to select an item. Use the
<Plus> and <Minus> keys to change the value of the selected option.
Remote Access
This feature allows the user to disable the function of Remote Access. If
Disabled is not selected, then you can select a Remote Access type for
Console Redirection. The options are Enabled and Disabled. (*The
default setting is Disabled. However, if this feature is set to Enabled,
the following items will be displayed:)
Serial Port Number
This feature allows the user to select a serial port for console
redirection. Select the COM Port that the serial modem's cable is
connected to. The options are COM1 and COM2.
Serial Port Mode
This feature allows the user to configure the serial port settings for
console redirection. The options are 115200, 8, n, 1; 57600, 8, n, 1;
38400, 8, n, 1; 19200, 8, n, 1 and 09600, 8, n, 1 [bits per second,
data bits, parity, stop bits.]
Flow Control
This feature allows the user to determine how the system manage the
flow control for console redirection. The options are None, Hardware,
and Software.
Redirection after BIOS POST
This feature allows the user to decide if, and how to, continue with
Console Redirection after POST. If set to Disabled, Console
Redirection will be turned off after the BIOS POST routine. If set to
Bootup Loader, Console Redirection will be active during POST and
Bootup Loader routines. If set to Always, Console Redirection will
remain active in the OS environment if the OS is in the text mode. (If
the OS is in the graphic mode, this function will not be supported.) The
options are Disabled, Always and Bootup Loader.
Terminal Type
This feature allows the user to select the terminal type for console
redirection. The options are VT100, ANSI and