Super B11SCG-ZTF/CTF User's Manual
Turbo Mode
This feature enables Turbo Mode if EMTTM is also enabled. The options are Disabled
Select Enabled to enable the Monitor/Mwait instructions. The Monitor instructions moni-
tors a region of memory for writes, and Mwait instructions instruct the CPU to stop until
the monitored region begins to write. The options are Disabled and
C states
C-State architecture, a processor power management platform developed by Intel,
can further reduce power consumption from the basic C1 (Halt State) state that blocks
clock cycles to the CPU. Select Enabled for CPU C-State support. The options are
Disabled or
. If this feature is set to Enabled, the following items will display:
Enhanced C-states
This feature enables Enhanced C1 Power State to boost system performance. The
options are Disabled or
C-State Auto Demotion
When this feature is enabled, the CPU will conditionally demote C State based on un-
cored auto-demote information. The options are Disabled, C1, C3, and
C1 and C3
C-State Un-demotion
When this feature is enabled, the CPU will conditionally undemote from demoted C1
or C3. The options are Disabled, C1, C3, and
C1 and C3
Package C-State Demotion
This feature enables the Package C-State demotion. The options are
Package C-State Un-demotion
When this feature is enabled, the CPU will conditionally undemote from demoted
Packaged Package C-State Un-Demotion. The options are
or Enabled.
Package Power Limit MSR Lock
This feature enables Package Power Limit locking. If this is enabled, a reset will be
required to unlock the register. The options are
or Enabled.
C State Pre-Wake
Use this feature to enable the C-State pre wake. The options are Disabled or