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Superchips Inc
Superchips Inc.
1790 East Airport Blvd., Sanford, FL. 32773 (407) 585-7000
Superchip & Superchips are registered trademarks of Superchips, Inc.
Section B – (F.A.Q) Frequently Asked Questions
F. Locked Vin Number
As long as FLASHPAQ Tuner programming is in a vehicle, the tuner is “locked” to that vehicle.
If an attempt is made to use your “locked” FLASHPAQ Tuner on a different vehicle the
messages will be displayed:
Locked VIN
is mismatched!
Not the Original
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-37
Solution: Return the original vehicle back to stock before using the FLASHPAQ Tuner on a
different vehicle or purchase another FLASHPAQ Tuner for use on a second vehicle.
G. Not original Program ID
If the FLASHPAQ Tuner is “VIN locked” to a vehicle and that vehicle has been updated at the
dealership to a different Box Code (identification number) without first using the FLASHPAQ
Tuner to
Return the Vehicle to Stock,
the following messages will be displayed:
Not the Original
Program ID
Not the Original
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-38
Solution: Your FLASHPAQ Tuner can only be unlocked if it is able to return the ‘VIN locked’
vehicle to stock. Since a dealership has replaced Superchips tuning with updated stock tuning,
you will need to visit
H: Checksum Error
If the FLASHPAQ Tuner is “VIN locked” to a vehicle and that vehicle has been updated at the
dealership to the same Box Code (identification number) without first using the FLASHPAQ
Tuner to
Return the Vehicle to Stock,
the following messages will be displayed:
Not the Original
Program Checksum
Not the Original
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-39
Solution: Your FLASHPAQ Tuner can only be unlocked if it is able to return the ‘VIN locked’
vehicle to stock. Since a dealership has replaced Superchips tuning with stock tuning, you will
need to visit
I. Upload Error
If the FLASHPAQ Tuner cannot detect the ignition is in the on position the following messages
will be displayed:
Problem with uploading!
Please retry
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-XX
(XX=a two digit number)
Solution: Make sure Ignition is ON
. Retry again. It is possible
that your vehicle’s battery charge is low, please check and correct, if necessary.
Page 20 of 24 Form 0158E 3805 07/14/2008
Superchips Inc
Superchips Inc.
1790 East Airport Blvd., Sanford, FL. 32773 (407) 585-7000
Superchip & Superchips are registered trademarks of Superchips, Inc.
Section B – (F.A.Q) Frequently Asked Questions
J. Ignition ON Error
If the FLASHPAQ Tuner cannot detect that the ignition is in the ON position, the following
messages will be displayed:
Cannot Detect
Ignition On
Please retry
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-31
Solution: Make sure Ignition key is turned completely forward in the ON position
. Check to see if pins are pushed out of the diagnostic connector. It is
possible that your vehicle’s battery charge is low, please check and correct, if necessary.
K. Communications Error
If the FLASHPAQ Tuner looses communications the following messages will be displayed:
Please retry
Call Superchips!
Use Code #E-XX
Solution: Make sure Ignition is ON
. Retry again. It is possible
that your vehicle’s battery charge is low, please check and correct, if necessary. If it still fails,
then contact Superchips.
The FLASHPAQ Tuner will need to be returned to Superchips.
Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.)
L. The FLASHPAQ Tuner did not program same number of files as saved
This is normal. The FLASHPAQ Tuner communicates with all the necessary modules on the
vehicle to gain the information needed to correctly operate. It may be necessary to save
additional files that are not programmed to allow for correct tuning.
M. My friend’s truck has the same engine but programs or reads at different speeds.
Each vehicle configuration has been optimized to the fastest and safest method of operation.
Your friend’s truck may have different types of vehicle computers in his truck which may
require more or less time to do certain operations.
N. Why do similar vehicle types have different numbers of files?
Even similar vehicles can have different configurations and quantities of computers. The
FLASHPAQ Tuner communicates with all the necessary computer modules in the vehicle to
gain the information needed to operate correctly.
O. My friend’s truck has the same engine but is tuned differently, why?
Each vehicle configuration has been optimized for the best tuning. Your friend’s truck may
have different types of vehicle computers, thus requiring different tuning.
P. What is Idle Up Enable?
Idle Up Enable: This feature can be used to enable or disable Idle Up. When Idle Up is
enabled, the engine idle speed can be adjusted up or down to a desired level. The adjustment
is done in the vehicle using switches, such as the cruise control increase switch. Generally,
adjusting the engine idle speed is used to warm up engines in colder temperatures or to
provide additional power for external PTO devices.
Q. Can I use the Idle Up feature if my truck did not originally have this installed?
Yes, Superchips has created this feature to allow users to enable this function utilizing their
Flashpaq tuner without having to go to the dealer to turn this feature on.