sistency and size, may damage or block the
Mixer when the latter has been placed and is
in motion.
Only activate the speed selector after locking
the Mixer correctly.
Do not select a speed of over 4 when the Mixer
has been placed.
Never use the Spatula when the Mixer has been
10 & 11 / Spatula
Use this accessory to stir and mix the ingre
dients or remove the Cooking Basket.
During the operation of the Sunway Multifunc
tion Cooking Machine, put the Spatula through
the opening in the lid. The safety protection
disc will ensure that the Spatula does not get
trapped in the blade. In this way, this means
that you can use the Spatula whilst cooking,
draining or cutting food.
To remove the basket, place the spatula in the
groove of the basket itself to cook/drain and lift
it up. The spatula may be removed at any time
Never place the Spatula inside the Mixing Cup
whilst the blades are in motion.
When using the Spatula to scrape or remove
food from the recipient, only do so in a clo
ckwise direction. The spatula will be damaged
by the sharpened blades when used in an anti
-clockwise direction.
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