1. Manipulating videos
a. Videos can be swiped to the left to delete.
b. Files can be rearranged within the folder, or moved to a new folder, by
long pressing the file and dragging it to the desired location.
1. This is what the video will look like when viewed.
2. Adjusting video settings
a. Video can be adjusted to go back or forward in time
b. Video can be paused or resumed
c. Video can be adjusted to any time by using the scroll bar.
3. If the user would like to load and use the settings shown in the video,
then press the “Load Recommended Weld Settings” button.
4. Back button can be pressed to exit video or pdf.
1. This is how the PDF viewer will look while the PDF is loading.
a. User can scroll through pages, however all of the options on the top
will be grayed out and unavailable until the PDF has finished loading.