under video recording. While the microphone sign at the bottom of display
shows banned, means MIC have been switched off. Press MIC button again
and the microphone turned un-banned, means MIC have been switched on.
[Tips] MIC setting will be automatically saved, do not need to edit again
after restart the device.
9. U Flash Mode
Connect DVR and PC with USB cable, display of DVR shows 3 options:
USB_Disk, PC_Camera, REC Mode, select options by page up/down button.
To entre U Flash Mode, select USB_Disk and confirm with REC button.
[Tips] Please use card reader and MicroSD card to copy videos from DVR
to PC,
10. Playback
To enter playback mode, press Photographic button under standby for 3
seconds. Select videos and images by page up/down button, shortly press
Photographic button for playing video. To exit playback mode, press
Photographic button for 3 seconds.
10. GPS Tracking
Sign of GPS at the bottom left is banned while device powered on, it is
because of GPS Module not connected. Plug GPS Module into device
through AV-OUT port, the sign start flashing and unbanned, indicating GPS
connected successfully and start locating device. At outdoor environment
and about a minute, GPS would be successfully located and the sign stopped
flashes. Recording video located GPS, movement of the device will be
recorded and stored as GPS file.
[Tips] GPS file is MAP.
[Caution] GPS function requires external GPS Module.