Function 2): Page Down
MIC Button functioned as page-down button under the menu and the
playback interface.
Function 3): Full Screen
Press MIC button under standby for 3 second to entre full screen mode,
press 3 seconds to exit.
6. Photographic/Playback/Play, Pause
Function 1): Photographic
To enter photographic mode, shortly press the photographic button under
standby. Press the same button to take photos. To exit photographic mode,
by shortly press REC button.
Function 2): Playback
To enter playback mode, press the photographic button for 3 seconds.
Press the Video Locking (page up)/MIC Button (page down) to select
images and videos, press photographic button again to view selected media
file. Press REC 3seconds to exit playback.
Function 3): Play/Pause
Under playback mode, press the camera button to play/pause a video.
7. Reset Button
In the times that you experiencing trouble with your device, please restart
device by shortly press reset button.
1. Installing Instructions
1. Shut down car engine.
2. Insert the TF card into the slot of the device.
[Caution] Suggesting using MicroSD card class 8 or above for the car
DVR and memory no less than 512MB. The device support maximum 64GB
TF card.
3. Stick the DVR mounting stand on front window.
[Caution] Please cleanse window before sticking mounting stand. Dirt
and trace of water have result in less time of usage. To adjust mounting
frame position, please use attached cotton thread, place at the edge between