SunScan™ Technologies
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• Heat transfer fluid
The heat transfer fluid is a pre
– mixed non toxic food grade glycol solution.
Additional Components include:
• 1 x Thermostatic mixing valve
• 1 x Flat roof stand (On request)
Components not supplied may include any and all relevant plumbing and electrical components required but not
listed above, i.e. Pressure reducing valves, capillary fittings, Copper tubing, electrical cable etc.
4.2 Important considerations and good practice
• All plumbing must conform to the relevant governing bodies, ensure that the storage tank and collector
installation complies with SANS 10254 and SANS 10106.
• Only compression fittings should be used on the collector and tank, for the rest of the circulation loop high
temperature solder may be used.
• All Brass fittings and or valves, safety or otherwise will be DZR rated, and approved for use by SABS.
• All pipe work to and from the collector must be copper (Class 1 minimum).
• All pipe work to and from the collector, and any pipe/s transporting hot water are to be insulated, insulation will
be heat tolerant and UV resistant.
• SABS approved plastic piping may only be used inside the building, downstream from the thermostatic mixing
• The thermostatic mixing valve provided must be installed to ensure safe use of the system, and should be
accessible for maintenance purposes.
• During installation ensure no debris e.g. Metal filings, packaging residue, saw dust etc. enters the system, if this
does occur flush the system prior to filling.
• Cover collectors while installing the pipe work to prevent stagnation and possible scalding.
• Exercise caution while lifting and installing the collector and or tank onto the roof, ensure that there are enough
personnel present to bear the weight and that there are adequate lifting tethers and safety rigging as required.
• If the tank is to be installed in the roof space, ensure an adequate structure that complies and does not conflict
with SANS 10400
– L has been erected.