SunScan™ Technologies
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10 Sign off (installer copy)
Supplier details Installer details
Solar Lifestyle cc t/a
Company Name: __________________________
Physical address Unit S17 Spearhead Address: __________________________
Business Park
Montague Drive __________________________
Montague Gardens
Cape Town __________________________
Postal address Suite No. 73, Private Bag x 7
Chempet, 7442 __________________________
Tel +27 86 100 5684 Tel: __________________________
Fax +27 86 689 4401 Fax: __________________________
Email: __________________________
Installer Sign-off Customer acceptance
Installer Name: ________________________ I, ________________________________________
Installation date: ________________________ , (I.D. No)__________________________________
hereby declare that the solar system has been
Location: ________________________ installed to my satisfaction, it has been
demonstrated to me and is in working order and I
Customer Name: ________________________ have been instructed in its operation, maintenance
and usage.
Customer address: ________________________
________________________ Product Serial No: _________________________
The installer hereby warrants that the system has
been installed in accordance with this instruction
booklet and product specific training received.
____________________ _______________ ____________________ _______________
Installer signature Date Customer signature Date