Note –
This JDK page is not presented for Mac OS X installations. The installation uses the value
in the
environment variable.
Review the Ready To Install selections and click Install to proceed with the installation.
Determine whether and how to register Enterprise Server.
Note –
It is recommended that you select the Skip Registration option during installation.
Also, installing with Open JDK prevents registration during installation on some Linux
platforms. For those environments, use the Administration Console to register Enterprise
Server following installation.
If you want to register Enterprise Server but do not yet have a Sun Online Account, select I
Don't Have a Sun Online Account, click Next, and provide the requested information.
If you want to register Enterprise Server and already have a Sun Online Account, select I
Already Have a Sun Online Account and provide your user name and password. Your user
name is the email address that you specified when you created the account.
If you do not want to register Enterprise Server at the time of installation, select Skip
Registration and click Next. You can register later through the Enterprise Server
Administration Console.
Review the summary page that displays after registration and click Exit to exit the installer.
Installation information is captured in log files. The names of the files are
. On Solaris, Linux, and Mac
OS X systems, these files are generated under the
directory. On Windows systems, these
files are generated under the
(Optional) Start Enterprise Server using the instructions in the
Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server
v3 Quick Start Guide
The guide explains how to perform basic tasks such as starting the server, accessing the
Administration Console, and deploying a sample application.
Using Enterprise Server GUI Installation
Chapter 1 • Installing Sun GlassFish Enterprise Server v3