SUN-MAR has developed a number of composting accessory items over the years in response to frequent requests
from users. These items may serve to improve composting speeds under some circumstances.
Name Description Container
“Microbe Mix”
“Compost Sure
DC Vent Kit
AC Fan Speed
Specially selected natural enzyme solution designed to help the
aerobic bacteria convert waste to compost.
Also very effective as a cleaner for bowl liners
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Specially selected dried microbes and enzymes designed to
start and accelerate composting in all Sun-Mar composting
toilet and toilet systems.
Microbe Mix also contains citronella to discourage insects.
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Bulking material containing a mix of coarse peat moss, and
chopped hemp stalk. Designed to maintain porosity and hold
oxygen and moisture in the compost while keeping the compost
well supplied with carbon.
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Kit required for conversion of electric units to also operate in non
electric or 12 volt mode. For use with Self Contained toilet sys-
tems. Includes a 12 volt fan.
Designed for electric units only, the control kit allows users to
adjust the speed of the fan. Ideal for installations where the
toilet is used in winter applications or in bunkies where the toi-
let may be in close proximity to sleeping quarters.
Use “Compost Sure Green” for optimum results.
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