Composting is the natural process of decomposition that can be helped along by providing the ideal condi-
tions to help your composting toilet work at peak performance. The ideal conditions for decomposition to
occur depend on several factors: oxygen, temperature, moisture content, and the carbon/nitrogen ratio.
Oxygen is very important in composting. Your compost should be aerated in order to encourage aerobic
bacteria growth. Aerobic bacteria are bacteria that grow and live in the presence of oxygen and are very
efficient in breaking down waste. To aerate the compost and encourage the growth of these bacteria, the
compost drum should be turned three times per week (6 complete turns of the drum).
Temperature is another important consideration when composting. Optimal composting temperatures range
between 70-100 ° F (21-38 ° C). If the compost becomes too cold (below 55 ° F or 13 ° C), decomposi-
tion will slow significantly or stop completely. If you are in an area that experiences temperatures below 55
° F (13 ° C) additional heat is required if the composting toilet will be used continually or frequently. If used
for intermittent cottage application (3 - 4 weekends throughout the cold season) no additional heat is
required. The unit will function as a holding tank until the temperature warms up.
Moisture is necessary to achieve a good compost. Your compost should always be damp, like your garden
after you have watered it. This moisture allows the bacteria to travel around in the compost so that they can
speed decomposition by digesting the waste. If the compost is too dry, the bacteria cannot survive
and decomposition will slow or cease. When adding water to the compost, you are aiming for a damp com-
post, not saturated. Too much liquid in the compost limits the amount of oxygen that aerobic bacteria require
to survive. If normal urination is not enough to maintain the correct moisture level in the compost, we
encourage you to add additional water to the drum.
Carbon/Nitrogen Ratio
Almost all organic material will compost. The proper bulking material and human waste should be added to
the composting toilet. In order to maintain a good balance between carbon-rich materials (SUN-MAR
Compost Sure Blue) and nitrogen-rich human waste only.
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