Ongoing Toilet Maintenance
Once your CENTREX 2000 is installed and you have gone through the initial start-up procedure, follows the steps
outlined below to keep your composting toilet working optimally.
Add one cup of
Compost Sure Blue per
person per day
Spray Compost Quick
on the surface of the
Turn the handle clock-
wise every second day
to mix the compost
Make sure that the
opening in the drum is
centered under the
waste pipe
Every two weeks
Every three months
Twice per year
Periodic maintenance
Even if you only use the toilet for urination then at least one cup of Compost Sure Blue
should be added per person per day of use. Add the Compost Sure Blue through the
access door on the CENTREX 2000.
Every second day
before turning the handle, spray 3-4 sprays of Compost Quick on the
surface of the compost. Compost Quick is an enzyme that will speed up the composting
Turn the handle
in a clockwise direction to mix and aerate the compost. When mixing,
ensure that the drum rotates 6 complete revolutions (36 turns of the handle).
Turn the handle in a counter-clockwise direction until it comes to a hard stop. The drum
opening should now be centered under the waste pipe.
Add one scoop of Microbe Mix
to the patented bio-drum to ‘recharge’ the pile. This will
help to ensure your microbe colony stays constant and healthy.
Rake the evaporation chamber
: Remove the finishing drawer. Rake any solid debris from
the floor of the unit under the drawer (evaporation chamber), paying extra attention to
the two corners of the unit near the safety drain as this is where debris may accumulate.
Remove the solid debris.
Clean the drum screen
. Spray the drum screen with Compost Quick and let sit for 15 min-
utes (this will help to loosen the debris if the screen is not too encrusted). Scrub the
screen vigorously with the wire brush. If brushing the screen does not clear it and liquid
is still not draining through the screen, you may have to resort to having to use a screw-
driver or nail to puncture each hole in the drum screen.
Remove compost from the drum
. When the drum is half full it is time to remove compost.
To remove compost from the drum:
1) Pull the drum lock button located below the handle on the CENTREX 2000.
2) While holding out the white drum lock button, turn the handle in a counter-clockwise
direction for one complete revolution of the drum.
1. Do
add or clean the toilet bowl liner with chemicals. Chemicals will kill the bacteria.
, clean the bowl liner with Compost Quick.
2. Do
add plastic, glass, metal, cleaning fluids, cigarettes. Add only waste and bulking material.
3. Kitchen or garden waste are
4. Do
add baby wipes, diapers or feminine paper as they will not compost.
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