WML Sumo Thin Client User Guide
Remote VNC access
VNC provides a full graphical view of the Sumo's desktop. A number of options are provided:
“control as well as view”
When checked, the remote admin will be able to control the desktop of
the Sumo user, as well as viewing it.
“prompt the user”
When this option is checked, the local Sumo user will see a pop-up window
whenever a remote admin tries to view or control the desktop. The local user may then either refuse
or accept the connection.
“password protection”
Use a password to protect access to the Sumo desktop. This password is
stored separately from the Sumo's usual admin password.
Specifying X Font Server (xfs)
The “Proxy/Font Server” tab allows the administrator to specify an X Font Server from which the
Sumo should obtain font information. The Sumo runs its own font server, but this provides a very
limited range of fonts. The Bitstream Vera truetype font is provided, along with a simple fixed X
font. To allow tunnelled X applications to use a full range of fonts, a networked X font server can
be used. Fill in the field with a suitable font server entry, and press “Set Font Server”. An example
is xfs.company.lan:7100
The default for the font server field is the local font server, unix/:7100. This font server remains in
use, even when an additional font server is specified.
Currently, the proxy configuration setting is made within the web browser, rather than in the Setup
Copyright © 2006 William Matthew Limited. All rights reserved
Illustration 44: Highlighting the x font server field to specify an additional font