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Adjustable Jack Stands:
Adjustable jack stands generally consist of winding or lever systems allowing for
a much slower and measured movement, whilst also providing greater support,
or assistance with hitching/unhitching. To position an adjustable jack stand,
support stand with one hand and pinch the two clasp levers together with your
other hand until clear of holes, then lower slowly pivot and lower the unit down
until in next set of holes. Be careful these stands can be heavy. To determine
height, apply reasonable pressure to the movement mechanism until desirably
situated. Try not to jack the machine up any higher than is absolutely necessary
as this might have a destabilising effect.
To release pressure on lever systems, locate the pressure relief tap and open
slowly ensuring nothing is above you or about to descend.
Handbrakes are tailored to match each machines construction, but generally
operated from a single crank lever or winding handle, usually positioned at the
front or rear of the machine. Before operating the handbrake ensure the
machine is fully supported by the Tractors handbrake. Fully apply handbrake by
pivoting/turning the lever in the required direction and ensure machine hold.
Before unhitching the tractor, ensure any stands are down and positioned
suitably. On winding handbrakes make sure to put securing cable to the handle
to ensure handbrake is not activated during travelling.
Winding Handle
Clasp Pin