III. During use
Please check the pressure of the inflatable arches on a regular basis. It is normal for the arches to
soften slightly after 2 to 3 days. Should this happen, simply re-inflate them.
You must not cook inside the awning. Avoid lighting any flames and do not use any sharp objects inside
the awning.
The arch ducts will be locked. Do not cut the connectors or open the zip once the arches have been
fully inflated in order to avoid any chance of bursting occurring.
Prior to disassembly, please clean the coated sections (including the flaps at the bottom) using soapy
water before rinsing them and allowing them to dry.
Close all of the doors, the windows and the partitions, which can also be removed.
Remove all of the pegs from the ground and either fold back the straps
or remove them.
Please check to make sure that all of the valves have been opened and that the metal end-piece has
been switched to its On position.
Open the deflation valves on each arch. Wait until the majority of the air has been expelled. If you
have the Summer Line electric pump (an optional extra), this can be used in deflation mode in order to
remove all of the air, a step that will make folding and storing your awning easier.
IV. Disassembling your awning