A3.1 Exhaust Valve Assembly Removal.
Unscrew exhaust elements. Remove assembly bolts and nylon pipes. Take care when removing the
valve strike plate.
A3.2 Exhaust Valve Disc Removal.
Secure valve stem and unscrew retaining nut. Inspect strike plate before re-fitting.
A3.3 Cylinder Piston Seal Renewal.
Remove 4 cap screws from cylinder body, secure piston across flats and unscrew valve stem. Remove
circlip from cylinder body and pull out piston. New seals should be fitted using silicon grease, press out
retaining cover nose seal and renew.
A3.4 Exhaust Element Replacement
Unscrew element and replace, ELEMENTS ARE NOT REUSABLE. Ensure o-ring is firmly seated in
groove and greased with silicone
For re-assembly, follow reverse procedure always fitting new graphite gaskets and ’O’ rings on
retaining bolts.
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