– 29/12/2020
Pag. 12/16
Code: 71082
outside the Scooter;
out of the reach of children;
in a dry place (humidity 65% +/- 5%);
at temperatures between 15 ° and 36 ° C;
adopting means to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt.
Provvision must be taken ALONG THE ENTIRE LIFE OF THE BATTERY (warehouse storage, transfer etc. included)
to ALWAYS ensure that:
The batteries are stored fully charged mostly when they are not expected to be used for a long time.
The batteries are fully charged at least once a month.
The batteries are fully charged in any case when the RED LED lights up (the battery charge is less than 20%).
Suex cannot be held responsible for any loss or damage to the battery resulting from failure to follow the instructions
contained in this manual.
Contact details of the customer service of SUEX s.r.l.
SUEX s.r.l. - Submarine Exploration
Via Roma, 261/35
Phone: +39 0422-444849
Since the electronic circuits on board the battery has their own internal energy
consumption - negligible but NOT NULL - every care must be taken by the user to
prevent that during prolonged periods of inactivity the batteries may suffer
damage, even irreversible, to due to excessive cell discharge.
In a preventive perspective, in order to avoid that the aforementioned practice is
not followed - with possible IRREVERSIBLE damage to the battery - during ANY
logistic phase after the supply of the goods, SUEX s.r.l. hereby would like to
emphasize the INFORMATION for the customer's organization, in particular for
those responsible for warehouse management regarding the NEED TO PERIODIC
CHARGE of the batteries.
The above applies to the BATTERY PACKS supplied as accessories or spare parts
and those inside the Scooters.