Figure 9
Figure 7
Figure 8
A .
A pplicable to m odels: S W 6P R and S W 6P E R .
B .
Make 12 volt D .C . connections to re-ignitor as illustrated in Figure 7.
If the power supply is to be from a convertor, we recom m end that the converter
system be wired in parallel with the battery. T his will serve tw o purposes:
P rovide a constant voltage supply
Filter any A.C . spikes or volt surges
W e recom m end insulated term inals be used for all electrical connections.
C A U TIO N : B e sure that th e s u p p ly w ire s have adequate strain re lief to
prevent w ires from pulling loose.
W AR N IN G ! If the user of this appliance fails to m aintain it in the condition
in w hich it w as shipped from the factory or if the appliance is not used
solely for its intended purp o se or if appliance is not m aintained in
acco rdanc e w ith the instruction s in this m anu al, th e n the risk of a fire
and/or the production of carbon m onoxide exists w hich can cause
personal injury, property dam age or loss of life.
W AR N IN G : For your safety, all repairs should be perform ed by your dealer
or a qualified service person.
A .
M ain B urner: D o not allow the burner to burn with a yellow flam e, because
sooting will occur. (S ee S afety W arnings). If the burner flam e is yellow and has an
erratic pattern, shut unit down and contact a qualified service agency. D o not
continue operating unit with im proper burner flam e. (S ee Figure 8 for correct and
incorrect burner flam e appearance.)
B .
P ilot Flam e - The pilot flam e should engulf the tip of the therm ocouple as
illustrated in Figure 9. C orrect as needed.
C .
P eriodically inspect unit for soot. If soot is present anywhere on water heater,
im m ediately shut unit down and contact your dealer or a qualified service person.
S oot is a sign of incom plete com bustion and m ust be corrected before operating
water heater. Areas to check would include:
C heck for an ob struction in bu rne r or the flue bo x.
C heck the screen in the door to see that no foreign m aterial has accum ulated
to prevent flow of co m bustion and ventilating air.
C heck to be sure there is no flam e present at burner orifice or burner whenever
m ain gas valve is closed. This can be checked by turning the tem perature dial on
the valve all the way to the left. (counter clockwise)
D .
F re q uent ch eck s should be m ade of the grom m et on the gas inlet to assure
tight se al. (S ee “M ak ing G as C onnections”).
E .
P eriodically check wiring and wire connection to be sure wiring is not
d a m a g e d /frayed and that all term inals and connections are tight and in
com pliance with codes (S ee “M ak ing W ire C onnections”).
W AR N IN G ! It is im perative that the w ater heater tank be filled w ith w ater
before operating the w ater heater. O peration of the w ater heater w ithout
w ater in the tank m ay result in dam age to the tank and/or controls. This
type of dam age is not cove red by the lim ited w arranty.
W AR N IN G ! H ydrogen gas m ay result if you have not used this heater for
tw o w eeks or m ore. H YD R O G E N G AS IS EX TR E M E L Y FLAM M AB LE . To
reduce the risk of injury under these conditions, open the hot w ater faucet
fo r s e veral m inutes at the kitchen sink before you use any electric a l
appliance connected to the hot w ater system . If hydrogen is present, you
probably w ill hear an unusual sound such as air escapin g thro u gh the
pipe as the w ater begins to flow .
H ydrogen gas m ay be present even after w ater has been drained from the
tank. O pen faucet at sink and allow system to vent for several m inutes (5-
10 m inutes).
D o not sm o ke o r h ave any open flam e near the open faucet. D o not
attem pt to light pilot or m ain burner. O n D S I m odels, be sure the sw itch
is “O FF ”.
S hould overheating occur, or the gas supply fail to shut off, shut off the
m anual gas valve to the appliance before shutting off the electrical supply.
D o no t use this app lianc e if any part has bee n sub m erged un d e r w ater.
Im m ediately call a qualified service technician to inspect the appliance
and to replace any part of the control system and any gas control that has
bee n sub m erged und er w ater.
D o not alter the o p eration of your w ater heater nor change the
design/construction of your w ater heater. Accessories are being m arketed
for R V products w hich w e do not re com m end. For your safety,
on ly factory autho rized pa rts are to be us ed on you r w ater heater.
P eriodically inspect the ve nt for obstructions or presence of soot. S oot is
form ed w henever com bustion is incom plete. This is your visual w arning
that the w ater heater is operating in an unsafe m anner. If soot is present,
im m ediately shut the w ater heater d o w n a n d co ntact you r dea ler or a
qualified service person.
W hen considering add-on room s, porch or patio, attention m ust be given
to the venting of your w ater heater. For your safety, do not term inate the
ve nt on your w ater heater inside add-on ro om s, screen porch or onto
patios. D oing so w ill re sult in products of com bustion being ve nted into
the room s or occupied areas.
N eve r operate the heater if you sm ell gas. D o not assum e that the sm ell
of gas in your R V is norm al. A ny tim e you detect the odor of gas, it is to
be considered life threatening and corrected im m ediately. Extinguish any
open flam es including c ig arettes and evacuate all persons from the
vehicle. S hut off gas supply at LP gas bottle. (S ee S afety notice on front
cove r of this m anual.)
N O TE : A lw ays open both the cold and hot w ater faucets w hen filling
vehicle w ater tank to allow air po ckets to be forced out of the w ater heater.
W hen water flow s from the heater faucets, close both faucets.
W AR N IN G ! D o not store or use com bustible m aterials or liquids near or
adjacent to this heater. The appliance shall not be installed in any location
w here flam m able liquids or vapors are likely to be present.
B e sure the w ater heater pilot and all ignition system s are “O FF” during
any type of refueling and w hile vehicle is in m otion or being tow ed.
Summary of Contents for SW6P
Page 3: ...3 Figure 2 Figure 3...
Page 10: ...10 Figure 12...