Figure 6
Figure 4
Figure 5
A .
W ater connections are m ade at the rear of the water heater. R efer to Figure
4. C onnect the hot and cold water lines to the 1/2" fem ale pipe fitting provided on
rear of tank . T hese fittings are m ark ed “H O T ” and “C O LD ”. N O T E : Inside each
fitting is a plastic fill tube. Its p u rp ose is to enhance water circu lation.
IM P O R T A N T : U se a pipe thread com pound suitab le for potable water or pipe
th re ad ta pe o n all co nn ectio ns to a ssu re th ey w ill no t le ak .
B .
For ease of rem oval, it is suggested that a pipe union be installed in each water
C .
Fill tank with water. O pen both hot and cold water faucets to expel air from
tank. W hen tank is filled and water flows from faucets, close both faucets and
check all connections for leak s.
C AU TIO N : If you use air pressure to check for leaks, the pressure m ust not
exceed 30 P S I (in accordance w ith 4-9.1.1 of AN S I A119.2).
N O T E : A fte r le ak te stin g, dra in w ate r fro m ta nk .
A .
C onnect a 3/8" gas supply line to the 3/8 flare fitting at gas valve located in the
control hous ing . W hen m aking the gas connection, hold the gas fitting on the
valve with a wrench when tightening the flare nut. Failure to hold fitting secure
could result in a g as leak d ue to fitting b eing d am aged. N O T E : It will be necessary
to rem ove the grom m et from the control housing, m ake the gas connection at the
valve, then reinstall grom m et.
W AR N IN G ! It is im perative that grom m et and gas line through g ro m m et
be caulked air tight. If not tightly sealed, m oisture and potential harm ful
flue prod ucts cou ld vent thr o u gh opening and into living area of trailer.
(S ee Figure 5.)
. T urn on gas and check all fittings and connections for leaks, using a soap
and water solution. C orre ct even the slightest leak im m ediately.
W AR N IN G ! D o not use an open flam e to check for leaks!
S uburban water heaters are certified by nationally recognized testing laboratories
for operation w ithout m odifications at altitudes up to 4,500 feet. O peration above
this elevation m ay require derating by 4 percent for every 1,000 feet above sea
level. For exam ple, at 8,000 feet, the water h ea ter should be derated
approxim ately 32 percent.
If the unit is not properly derated, lack of sufficient oxygen for com bustion m ay
produce im proper burner operation. Pilot outage caus ed by burner lift-off or
sooting from a yellow burner m ay occur indicating the possibility of carbon
m onoxide. You m ay also n otice a lack of efficiency in heating the w ater because
of incom plete com bustion of the burner at these higher altitudes.
C onsult with the loc al g as com pany, your dealer, an R V service agency or
S uburban Manufacturing C om pany for proper d erating of the unit. C hange-out
of the orifice (derating) should be done by the dealer or a qualified service
N O T E : It is im portant that once the unit has returned to lower elevation (below
4,500 feet), this high altitude deration and pilot adjustm ents (if equipped) be
reversed for proper operation of the unit.
120 VOLTS A.C.
A .
R e fer to Figure 2 for location of A .C . junction box on m odel S W 6 P E a nd
S W 6P E R .
B .
T he electrical connections m ust be m ade in accordance with local codes and
regulations. In the absence of local codes and regulations, refer to the latest
edition of the N ational Electrical C ode AN S I/N FP A N o. 70.
In C anada, the electrical installation should conform w ith C S A standard C S A
C 22.2 N o. 148/Z240.6.2. E lectrical requirem ents for R ecreational Vehicles and
C S A C 22.1 C anadian E lectrical C ode P art 1 whe n in s ta lling the unit in
recreational vehicles and m obile hom es respectively.
C .
C heck rating plate and w iring diagram (F igure 6) before proceeding. Install
a fused safety switch or circuit breaker of adequate capacity between heater and
electrical pow er source. A ttach the black and wh ite wires from the fused sw itch
or break er to corre s ponding colored wires in heater junction box. A green wire
from a well grounded source m ust be attached to the green nut in the junctio n
C AU TIO N : B efore applying the 120 V AC pow er to the w ater heater junction
box, be sure the sw itch for electric elem ent is in the “O FF” positions.
W A R N IN G ! B efore the sw itch for the electric elem ent is turned to the “O N ”
position, the w ater heater tank m ust be filled w ith w ater. See “S AF E TY
W A R N IN G S ”
Summary of Contents for SW6P
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